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MUDr Josef Jonas - MARION - Meta


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Food Supplement

Meta detoxifies metabolites. It removes metabolites such as gluten, hypoxanthine, cholesterol, indole, casein, creatinine, lactose, purines, skatole, uric acid salts, urea, and xanthine. In addition to toxins from the intestinal microbiome, metabolites are the primary toxic problem for the human body. Metabolites are organic substances involved in metabolism. There are hundreds of metabolites, and metabolism is an extremely complex system. In humans, the situation is extremely complex because no animal in the world
consumes so many different foods and in such amazing combinations in any quantity, and therefore the variants of metabolites are endless.

The causes of metabolic disorders vary and therefore we cannot expect to eliminate the causes of metabolic disorders or help eliminate most of them metabolites by using only Meta. Meta’s goals are much more modest. They refer to metabolites resulting from food intolerance. The term intolerance is a term in the field of immune responses. These intolerances arise partly due to impaired immunity and partly due to changes in the genetic makeup of plants and animals. In particular, food wheat differs significantly from ancient wheat, so single-grain wheat, emmer wheat, spelled wheat or semolina are better tolerated. The milk from modern cows differs from ancient milk due to the eighth type of casein. Therefore, goat, sheep, and other milk are better tolerated than cow milk protein, which has been tempered to increase milk productivity and therefore it is no longer suitable for humans. We use Meta to remove residues of gluten, casein (casomorphin), lactose, animal fat, or margarine metabolites.

Imunokomplex is also a very effective preparation for detoxifying metabolites. However, there is no point in using Meta unless we introduce a reduction diet and eliminate metabolic disorders, for which Anti-Anti B and Imunokomplex are mainly used.

*Dietary supplements cannot be used as substitutes for a varied diet or a healthy
lifestyle. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose of the product. In order to select
the appropriate informational supplements, we recommend consultation with our
certified Detoxification Therapists.